5 resultados relacionados con "Lawler, Joshua J.".
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Artículo de revista
Dispersal will limit ability of mammals to track climate change in the Western Hemisphere

Climate change, Habitats, Environmental aspects, Climatic changes, Environmental impact analysis, Research, Velocity, Dispersal, Mammals, Mammals - classification, Mammals - growth & development

Año de publicación: 2012

Artículo de revista
Projecting the Hydrologic Impacts of Climate Change on Montane Wetlands

Climate change, National parks, Global temperature changes, Ecosystems, Analysis, Wetlands, Precipitation (Meteorology), Soil moisture, Hydrology, Soil - chemistry, Climate sensitivity, Classification, Surface water, Mountain ecology, Parks & recreation areas, Wilderness areas, Hydrology - methods, Scholarships & fellowships

Año de publicación: 2015

Artículo de revista
Behavioral flexibility as a mechanism for coping with climate change

Año de publicación: 2017

Artículo de revista
Connectivity Planning to Address Climate Change

Climate change, Adaptation, Adaptación, Biological diversity, Conservation biology, Environmental aspects, Global temperature changes, Conservation of Natural Resources - methods, Analysis, Land use, conservation planning, Algorithms, corridors, reserve design, método de grano grueso, planificación de la conservación, diseño de reservas, gradientes de clima,...

Año de publicación: 2013

Artículo de revista
The theory behind, and the challenges of, conserving nature's stage in a time of rapid change

Global temperature changes, Biological diversity conservation, cambio climático, Conservation biology, climate change, Conservation of Natural Resources - methods, abiotic factors, condiciones abióticas, conservation planning, ecological theory, Ecology - trends, Ecosystem components, Nature, Niche (Ecology), planses de conservación, teoría ecolótigico, Theo...

Año de publicación: 2015